Our aim is to work with government, local authorities and communities up and down the country to enhance the planning process and deliver the new, sustainable homes and communities this country needs
Working in a positive and cooperative way with central and local government and key stakeholders, to deliver a planning system capable of supplying the homes and employment space we need.
Promoting research and an evidence-led approach to policy development
Increasing the supply of new homes to meet demand and make home ownership a realistic possibility for all those who aspire to it.
Ensuring that we build the affordable homes of all types and tenures that this country so desperately needs.
Delivering new employment space to meet demand from businesses and support economic growth.
Championing the impact of increased housing delivery on reducing intergenerational unfairness.
Creating well designed, high quality and sustainable places to live and work
Educating and informing about the social, environmental and economic benefits of development.
Supporting diversity of delivery in the market and championing SME developers
Promoting diversity and inclusivity within the sector.