LPDF members support the housebuilding sector by providing “oven ready” sites with planning permission that can easily be acquired and built out quickly by national, regional and SME housebuilders
We help bring homes to the market quickly to meet local housing need as soon as possible. Sites delivered by land promoters include both greenfield and brownfield land and they often require significant investment in infrastructure and local services and facilities as well as potentially requiring decontamination.
Bringing sites through the planning system
The LPDF’s members always seek to work closely with local authorities and the communities they serve when preparing planning applications.
As a result, above 90% of new homes on sites where the applicant was a land promoter were granted by the local planning authority without the need for recourse to an appeal. This success rate brings an efficiency to the planning process, saving councils the time and resources of having to dealing with speculative, unrealistic development proposals.

Members invest in the promotion of land through the planning system to achieve allocations and planning permission for new market and affordable homes to meet local needs, with supporting infrastructure, local services and facilities, environmental enhancements and other community benefits.
They invest the considerable time and funding that is needed to undertake the essential technical, planning and design work to support a planning application, as well as engaging with planning authorities, local residents, stakeholder groups and statutory consultees throughout the planning application process.
The significant investment made by members is at risk and it is this willingness to take on this risk to deliver sites for new housing that makes promoters such an important part of the delivery chain. This is increasingly the case when many smaller housebuilders cannot afford to take on all of this risk alone and require oven-ready sites so they can get on and build.
New homes to the market quickly
Sites with planning permission that have been promoted by a land promoter predominantly deliver new housing to the market quickly with sites either being sold to housebuilders immediately upon gaining consent or after infrastructure such as utilities, schools and sports facilities have been provided and land is sold in parcels to multiple housebuilders.
Both of these approaches enables faster delivery of new homes as housebuilders seek to maximise their return on the investment they have made on a site with existing planning permission.