The LPDF is a collection of the UK’s leading land promotion and development businesses.
Our LPDF members support the housebuilding sector by providing “oven ready” land.
Meet the team behind the LPDF including our Board of Directors and Policy and Technical Committee.
Our aim is to enhance the planning process to deliver the new, affordable and sustainable homes the country needs.
The LPDF supports and promotes an equal, diverse and inclusive real estate industry.
The facts about the UK's Housing Emergency.
The LPDF take a look at problems in the market and discuss what solutions might be available for our lost generation.
Economic growth is rightly at the top of the Government’s agenda and ensuring that the planning system is set up to deliver this growth is fundamental.
See the full list of our members and affiliates.
Find out what we offer and how to become a member of the LPDF.
Job listings from our members and affiliates
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