Land, Planning and Development Federation (LPDF)

A packed auditorium at UKREiiF to hear LPDF Chairman Paul Brocklehurst lead a discussion on whether planning reform is the key to unlocking economic growth. Paul was joined by Victoria Hills MRTPI FICE FRSA MCMI CMgr (RTPI), Anthony Breach (Centre for Cities), Alison Dowsett (Berkeley Group) and Hollie Howe (St Modwen Logistics) for a lively debate.

The discussion revolved about how planning influences our lives, from housing and employment prospects, to health and wellbeing, educational attainment and social mobility.

Whatever the outcome of the forthcoming election, there was a consensus that a well resourced public sector is needed who can implement a planning system which can deliver the certainty and stability that is required to facilitate substantial economic growth.

Watch the video here:


Tuesday 11th June 2024